Stay Cool For Back-To-School!

Posted:September 02 2020

Post Categories: Tips & TricksPersonal Health

The Psychology Foundation of Canada has put together a useful list of ways to de-stress during the back-to-school transition this year. Here’s what we learned:

1. Accept uncertainty and be open to change

None of us know how the year will unfold. Recognize this, and move on. Get ready to go with the flow this year and welcome change with open arms.

2. Learn to be okay with unsolved problems

Get used to accepting unsolved problems. Problems can often be the cause of stress, but this year it will be impossible to find an answer for everything. Focusing on coping with problems instead of solving them.

3. Recognize negative thoughts

A build-up of negative thoughts can cause stress. Take a few moments throughout each day to reflect on your thoughts and find ways to challenge them.

4. Don’t add to the stress of others

Everyone is experiencing extra stress these days – including frontline workers at schools. Practice empathy and team up with educators to make the best of the situation.

5. Help your kids cope

According to the Psychology Foundation of Canada: “Play is one of the best coping mechanisms for children (and not just electronic play). Kids need unstructured, active, and outdoor play. Play with them age-appropriate family games. Recreational activities are good for you, too, and help you stay connected with your children.”

6. Keep doing things you enjoy

One of the most important ways to manage the negative impacts of stress is to do enjoyable, healthy things that make us feel good. Take a spa day, go for a walk, have an outdoor barbeque with friends. Do what you need to recharge.

7. Take care of yourself

Lifestyle habits have a huge impact on happiness and stress. Getting enough rest, physical activity, and eating right can improve your ability to manage stress. Our own wellness experts recommend getting a relaxing aromatherapy massage to help encourage restful sleep, or a reinvigorating Vitamin C Facial to pump essential nutrients back into your skin. Our friends at Studio Kokoro are currently offering functional training and nutrition coaching to help parents and couples get back on track with their health!

8. Ask for help!

Getting (and giving!) social support is an important strategy for relieving stress. Stay in contact with friends and family; or reach out to a professional.

Read the full article here >